Alien Origin Movie Review

The Asylum's rip-off of Prometheus, Alien Origin is a peculiar beast in itself. Perhaps the most different from the source movie of any of their cheap knock-offs, Alien Origin was inexplicably filmed as a found action movie reviews footage movie. While this works to The Asylum's low budget favorably, that doesn't mean sci-fi movies it came out pe

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About Me

I'm so adept at balancing my life as a film star and Decker Shado living it, that sometimes I even surprise myself!Similar sitesshow horrorSpectacularChills with a touch of campFuturistic Movie ReviewsPlaid StallionsThose are the foul flicksShocks To The System - Subversive Horror Films

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How To Kick Off May the 4th

May the Fourth Be With You! Those unfamiliar with the term need not be concerned. We understand how you feel, and we're here to support you. The origins of this bizarre holiday are a little obscure. According to some, it all started as a joke in Toronto, while others claim it was all a hoax perpetrated over the internet.Whatever the case may be, on

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